Start your day with some of the most awesome Vaquita facts as below

The vaquita (Phocoena sinus), also known as the Gulf of California harbor porpoise, is the smallest and rarest of the cetaceans - which include whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The vaquita has a gray body with a pale gray or white belly and a dark patch around its eye. They are very rarely seen in the wild.
  1. The Vaquita, also known as ‘cochito’, ‘vaquita marina’ and ‘Gulf of California harbour porpoise’, exists in only one place in the world, the Gulf of California. That might be one of the most awesome animal facts you had no idea before.This narrow body of water is nestled between the second longest peninsula in the world, Baja California (translated from Spanish meaning ‘below’ or ‘south’ California) and the north west coast of mainland Mexico.
  2. Vaquita can be translated from Spanish to mean ‘little cow’.
  3. They are the rarest sea mammal in existence.
  4. Vaquitas are likened to porpoises and often confused with dolphins, but they are smaller, have a chunkier body and have a rounded head with no snout.
  5. They have a dark grey upper body which fades into a pale grey belly. They have striking faces with thick dark colouring around their eyes and on their lips giving the appearance they are wearing makeup.
  6. Their pectoral (chest) and dorsal (back) fins are distinctively larger than that of other porpoises.
  7. Female vaquitas up to 5ft (1.52m) are larger than males vaquitas that have been measured only up to 4.6ft (1.40m).
  8. Dolphins, whales and vaquitas are all in the same family known as cetaceans, which are large sea mammals characterised by their appearance, intelligence and carnivorous (meat eating) diets. They also need to come to the surface to breathe. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.
  9. The vaquita is the smallest cetacean on earth and is a cousin of the largest animal in the world, the blue whale.
  10. They feast on fish, prawns and crabs but are known to have particular preference for squid.
  11. Unlike dolphins that will follow boats, vaquitas are shy, private creatures and as such very little is known about them. In fact, these little sea creatures were not discovered until as late as 1958 when three vaquita skulls were discovered on a beach.
  12. Although they tend to spend their time in the shallow waters of the coast line or in the open sea no more than 25km (16 mi) from shore, they are so timid that it is very lucky spot a vaquita. The closest sighting has been from a far distance of 300ft [90m].
  13. Since they are elusive, not much is known about the social behaviour or the reproductive cycle of the vaquita. Sightings have reported small groups of 2-4, larger groups of up to 10 and even solitary vaquitas.
  14. Vaquitas can communicate with each other and navigate using sonar.
  15. Sadly, the vaquita is classified as critically endangered with less than 100 thought to survive.
  16. The fishing industry, pollution and habitat destruction from the dam built in the Colorado River threaten its survival. How much do you know about tiger facts for kids ?
  17. Illegal fishing for an exotic fish, the totoaba is the biggest threat to the Vaquita. The gillnets used frequently entangle and drown vaquitas.
  18. Last year in 2015, the Mexican Government banned the use of the gillnets for two years and many conservation efforts are underway which will hopefully save these timid beauties before they are lost to history.
We cant find any species have long neck than giraffe even the baby giraffe have long neck too. Some factoflife in my post will tell you about baby giraffe.
Baby giraffe facts for kids
No. 1 What is a baby giraffe called?
In agreement to cattle, a baby giraffe is called a calf. In addition, a female giraffe is a cow while a male is a bull.
No. 2 What is the size of a baby giraffe?
A calf is born weighing 100 to 150 pounds and measuring in at 6 feet tall.
No. 3 How do the Giraffe giving birth -and labor process?

Giraffe baby
Giraffes give birth while standing up so a calf enters the world from quite a height. They fall 6 feet to the ground with hoof and head first. The fall may seem like an abrupt entrance into the world, but it effectively breaks the amniotic sac, severs the umbilical cord, and most importantly encourages the calf to take its first breaths. After the calf drops to the ground, the mother will begin to clean it off, and after a few minutes, the calf will attempt its first steps.
No. 5 How soon can the baby walk after being born?
As mentioned in giraffe facts for kids, within 30 minutes to an hour of being born, a calf will begin to stand and walk. These first steps are necessary for the calf to be able to nurse from their mother. Within the first day, the calf will also be able to run.
No. 6 Where are giraffes give birth in the nature?
Giraffes choose to have their babies in places known as calving grounds. Something that's unique about these grounds is that mothers will often return to these lands time after time to give birth. Often, it is the same place they were born because a herd will continue the tradition of using the area for several generations.
No. 7 What is the food of baby giraffes?
A newborn giraffe will begin to nurse from its mother as soon as it is able to stand. By 4 months of age, they will begin to eat solid food (i.e. leaves in the nature).

Baby giraffe sleeping
No. 8 How do mother giraffes take care for her young?
In the immediate moments after birth, the mother will start to bond with her calf and lick it clean of the remaining amniotic fluids. She will also be seen encouraging the calf to stand and take its very first steps which will allow the young giraffe to nurse for the first time.
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An amazing world of snake facts and info 

With more then 3,000 species of snakes in the world there is plenty to learn about them. Even though they all have many unique characteristics about them, there are quite a few similarities. Those are what lumps them all into the same type of category of living creature.

They are able to live in a wide spectrum of habitats. They can live in trees or in water. Many live on land and they also can burrow. All snakes are carnivores which means they eat other living things. Not all of them make venom though while people often think that they do. They all feature a tongue that is forked which allows them to pick up scent all around them. This might be one of the most amazing facts about animals ever seen
They all have many vertebrae and ribs that they use for movement. This helps them to get around since they don’t have any limbs. They also don’t have external ears or eyelids. They rely on vibration to help them find out what is around them. They also use what vision they have combined with smell to find out about dangers.

Most species of snakes aren’t aggressive at all but they have a terrible reputation about them being out to attack humans. They will usually retreat from any forms of danger that they may detect around them. However, if they start to feel like they are in trouble they will strike in order to protect themselves.

Studies do show that snake species are very intelligent. Many of them are able to put out bait as a way to get food sources for themselves to come along. This is a type of hunting skill that increases their chances of being able to feed. None of the species are able to consume solid foods by chewing. They have to liquefy it or they need to swallow the entire thing.

You will find information about snakes out there since the beginning of time. They are found in stories such as the Bible, books, legends of cultures, movies, and more. They are often kept as pets but many people don’t have the right means of properly caring for them. As a result the snakes often die in captivity. Take a look at our wide range of funny pictures, quotes and much more others.

The lifespan of any snake will depend on where it lives and the particular species. They feature a variety of color patterns which can make it hard to determine what type of snake you see. Many of them have colors that look quiet similar. For example some that are very timid and not harmful can resemble those that are aggressive and that have very powerful venom.

Snakes are cold blooded which is why they do need the warmer temperatures to help them survive. They do like to live in humid climates but some of them live in areas where it is dry such a the desert. They shed their skin which is called molting. This will occur many times over the span of their life.

Snakes are isolated creatures when it comes to their living behaviors. From time to time they will come into contact with each other by accident. Most of the time they will go their own way. However, it is mating season they may stick around. The males will fight each other so that they can find other females to mate with.

The females may or may not want to match. It is hard for experts to really understand what makes her choose a final mate. What is interesting is that some species of snakes have live young while the majority of them will lay eggs. They never stay with the young so that makes them extremely vulnerable.

You can also subcribe our factoflife if you want to find out more about animals and nature for kids.
Here are top 15 best camel facts ever, just keep reading to know

  1. Camels’ humps are not used to store water. Even though they come from hot climates, their humps store fat and also help the rest of their bodies to stay cooler. When needed, the fat will be converted to food or water.
  2. The word ‘camel’ comes from an Arabic word: ǧml. This word is literally translated to mean beauty. Don’t ever try and say that camels are ugly! This is a fact of life that can blow your mind
  3. They need to stay hydrated in the desert, so it’s no surprise that camels can drink as much as 40 gallons of water at once. Considering it’s not being stored in their humps, that’s pretty amazing.
  4. Clara C released a song called ‘The Camel Song’. The song mentions ‘a desert full of camels’, but the main theme is love and not camels!
  5. Camels will not damage their mouths if they eat thorny twigs and other items which might cause injury to other animals. Enjoy the best collection of science facts on our site to widen your knowledge.
  6. There are more than 14 million camels in the world – most of them live in the Middle East, Asia and Australia.
  7. In Turkey, a camel wrestling event takes place every January. Camel wrestling dates back to the ancient world, so even though animal rights groups aren’t very happy with the sport, there are no signs of it stopping in the near future.
  8. Ever wondered why a camel’s mouth seems to be split into two? This helps them to graze and eat their food more effectively.
  9. The majority of mammals, including humans, only need to lose 15% of water before becoming dehydrated. However, camels are able to lose up to 25%, which means they can go much longer without water.
  10. In Middle Eastern countries, many people eat camel and consider it a delicacy. The hump is apparently the best part, and younger camels are tastier than the older animals.
  11. A camel’s nostrils are amazing. They retain water vapour which can be returned to the body when necessary, but they can also be closed if there is too much sand or wind blowing.
  12. David Baldacci created a group of characters known as The Camel Club. They featured in five novels, which are about the government and the secret service.
  13. Camels don’t just spit for fun. If they feel threatened, they will use it as a defence mechanism. Be nice to camels and they’ll be nice to you!
  14. They may not seem like fighters, but camels have been used during wars in the past. Ancient Greeks, Romans and Persians used to ride them, but they were used in the 20th century too.
  15. The grandfather of the prophet Mohammad almost sacrificed one of his sons to an Arabic god named Hubal. However, the god accepted 100 camels as an alternative sacrifice.
If you’re looking for the most interesting tiger facts for kids , you’re at the right place. Let’s check out now.
Here are facts about Dog discipline: things you should and shouldn't do and  interesting facts about dog discipline
  • Don't stare. Unless your gaze conveys deep affection, staring is perceived as confrontational and threatening. Don't confuse your dog. He'll learn to fear or challenge you.
  • Don't chase. Imagine rushing onto another person in the same manner. This technique induces fear or confrontation, not understanding. It's ineffective in communicating anything, except perhaps that you've lost your mind.
  • Don't grab, drag, or hold. When you grab, hold, or drag a dog, his only option is to defend himself. Though you may contain him in the moment or vent frustration, it will lead to out of control behavior.

Dog Discipline Do and Don'ts
  • Do stay calm, setting the example to model. You should be the one setting an example of how to act in all situations. Give your dog a good example to follow.
  • Do direct your dog. Your dog can't read your mind. Teach your dog basic commands, such as to stay, follow your lead, and come.
  • Do provide alternatives. Give your dog every opportunity to behave well. Provide ample activities to occupy his energy and curiosity. When you discourage one activity (such as jumping), encourage something else, such as fetching a toy or sitting.
  • Provide your dog ample activities to occupy his energy and curiosity
In order to communicate and teach your dog well, you should learn some methods that might make them better manner. Don't forget to show your love and make your dog feel warmer. It always works on having him obey you completely.

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Fact of life: making the decision to put down a pet is really difficult, but there are some reasons that force you to give the decision as follows:

Reason you may have to make this difficult decision?
These include:
  • Rabies
  • Parvovirus
  • Distemper
  • Cancer
  • Accidents
  • Old Age (related conditions)
  • Genetic diseases (related conditions)
It should be noted that with rabies there really is no other decision to make. Other than euthanasia as the death of your pet is unavoidable.

Image result for when does a dog sleep

Should I put my dog down? For more: tiger facts

It’s the decision no one ever wants to make, but if your dog’s quality of life is suffering with no sign of getting better, you may find the kindest option is to put your dog to sleep. It’s a very hard choice; on the one hand you want to spend as long as possible with your friend but, on the other hand, you want to make the right decision for them.

You will normally have a bit of time to think things through, and we always recommend you talk to family and friends and consult your vet as part of the process. Whilst you and your family will be able to tell if your dog is acting out of character or seems to be struggling, your vet will have a good insight into how this will affect their quality of life. Consider your pet’s mobility, appetite, breathing, comfort, toileting habits, mental capacity, happiness and response to treatment. If you notice any of these failing, then seek further advice from your vet.

Ultimately, the decision to put your dog to sleep will be yours, but remember that sometimes the kindest and most responsible decision is to let them go, especially if they will suffer if they keep going.

Deciding to put your dog to sleep is hard for the whole family, especially children. If you can, try to sit down as a family and discuss the decision together, being honest about your reasons and what it will mean for everyone, including your beloved pet. Of course, it will be an upsetting conversation, and there may be tears, but try to focus on it being about what’s best for your dog – after all, you all want to do the right thing for them.

An Australian company may have cracked this ticking time bomb of freshness with a machine that ‘switches off’ the enzyme responsible for discoloration

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Avocado half-life: once cut, there is a narrow window of time before the fruit goes brown.

As anyone who has ever bought avocados will know, the ripeness window for the fruit is around 17 minutes. Before that, it’s solid and nutty. After, brown and mushy. So-called “ripe and ready” products are a lie. Once sliced or pulped, it’s a matter of seconds before smooth, fresh green flesh becomes musty and oxidized. 

To remove the guesswork from this pear-shaped ticking time bomb, an Australian company has developed an “avocado time machine”. The Natavo Zero is an enormous Bertha-esque contraption that slows down the browning process of the fruit without using chemicals. It does this by “switching off” the enzyme responsible for the browning (called polyphenol oxidase) using pressure fluctuations generated by steam. In doing this, the machine also eliminates disease-causing bugs.

The Natavo Zero, designed for pre-sliced or mashed avocado used in products like guacamole, can process about 4,000 avocados an hour. The end product then no longer needs additives, preservatives or processing aids to retain its green vibrancy. It also leads to less wastage and spoilage, meaning a higher yield for farmers and more avocados to have on the side of, well, everything. This is welcome news to anyone concerned about this year’s Great Avocado Shortage, which has fuelled a crime wave in New Zealand.

“By understanding the avocado’s lifecycle and the complex correlation of enzymes involved in the browning process, we have made it possible for the world to enjoy 100% natural, ready-to-eat avocado slices, dices, chunks or pulped products while retaining the flavour and fresh taste of avocado, without browning,” said Jeff Hastings, director of Naturo, the company that makes the Natavo Zero, in a statement.

It’s not the only system developed to keep tabs on avocado ripeness. California-based avocado distributor Calavo uses a contraption called ProRipe VIP that measures how ripe the fruits is by “listening” to it. The machine taps the side of the avocado and then uses sensors to measure the acoustic response – that is, the way the fruit vibrates. This indicates overall firmness and freshness and allows Calavo to determine the ripeness of the tricky-to-judge flesh.

Unfortunately for avocado aficionados, these technologies are only available at an industrial scale. You’ll have to make do with rubbing lemon juice on the exposed flesh or wrapping the fruit tightly with cling film. Or perhaps it’s time to accept that the avocado is overcado.

Fun Facts: If it is fun and interesting, it belongs here interesting animal facts!