Pop diva Ariana Grande lost White House gig over doughnut-licking incident

Pop diva Ariana Grande found herself in a hole after a doughnut-licking incident seems to have cost her a gig at the White House, last week’s DNC email dump revealed.
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One leaked email exchange concerned whether to allow Grande to perform at a presidential gala last year a few months after TMZ posted the infamous video showing the singer at a bakery in California licking doughnuts on the shop's counter.

The emails also show officials were worried about the singer’s “I hate America” comment in the same video.

Grande, whose real name is Ariana Butera, issued apologies in response to the video.

In a chain of emails posted Friday by WikiLeaks, an official asks for Grande to be vetted for the “performance for POTUS.”

A DNC staffer summarized the case against her in the email chain, according to the Cox Media Group.

“Ariana Butera-video caught her licking other peoples' doughnuts while saying she hates America. Republican congressman used this video and said it was a double standard that liberals were not upset with her like they are with Trump who criticized Mexicans,” he says.

Grande was seen in the video licking a tray of large doughnuts after they are brought out and then saying, “I hate Americans. I hate America. That’s disgusting.”

A White House staffer issued a terse reply to the performance request: “Nope, sorry.”

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